Saturday, December 11, 2010


Today is my brothers 21st birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY COLBY!!!!
My brother is serving an LDS mission in San Antonio, Texas right now, and has been out for about 15 months. He will be home in July, and im suprisingly excited.
All growing up, we hated each other, except for the occasional times when we got a long, but there were very few times when we got along...  When I was three or four he did something that obviously made me really mad, I have no idea what it was, but i remember being really mad.  I waited for him to go to school and I took my moms sewing scissors and cut all of the cords to our super nintendo.... he wasnt happy. I was a devious child and he didnt like me. But he was mean, and deserved it, I think. But despite the fact that i hated him, I always wanted to be with him, doing whatever he was doing. And I loved bragging about him to my friends. But we hated each other. It wasnt untill he had left on his mission that I realized that I loved the guy. I miss having my big bro around to do things with. And I miss him bringing his cute friends over to the house haha.  I try to write him every week, but I'm not very good at it, but I get so excited when his letters come in the mail! I feel like an only child because hes not here, its really weird. I used to say I wish I was an only child, but now I wouldn't trade my brother for anything!!
I've also found from my friends who have brothers who are just a couple years older or younger, that the same is true for them, well for my girl friends anyway.  My guy friends say they have been best friends with their older brothers since they were born. And girls with sisters say the same thing..   but since I only have my one brother, I guess I'll never know.
Brothers are awesome though.  they have a protective quality over their younger siblings that us, as the younger sibling, don't always see. Their protectiveness is shown in a different way. For my brother, he would just tell me what i was doing was stupid, or the people I hang out with were stupid.  That was his way of telling me to be careful, or not hang out with certain people.  I just didn't realize it until now. I just thought he was being a jerk, telling me everything in my life was stupid. great bro right?
Brothers are awesome!  telll yours you love them today!  Go have an adventure with them!

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