Saturday, December 11, 2010

Red Flags

I sometimes worry that I'm going to post something that offends someone, because I have days when really crappy things happen, and I really want to post it. I probably should, but I'd feel bad if the way someone found out I was mad at them was over my blog, but honestly, if he doesnt know I'm upset by now, then he probably won't care enough to read this, I'm pretty sure no one reads these anyway.... So here i go

After dating a couple different guys, and hanging out with some guys who I thought were awesome, I realized that I end up with a lot of jerks. And yet it takes me a while to really give up on them, I'm a firm believer that everyone has some good in them, I've also found that thats mostly true. But I've also found that "some good" isn's always enough. I now look back at some of these weird relationships (or whatever they were) and realize that there were red flags everywhere, that should have told me that this guy was a jerk, or waste of time, or liar, or whatever they were.. most of the time they fit into multiple categories.

I've decided to post a couple of the red flags that I've seen most often in guys I've dated, there are flags everywhere, and there are a lot of them, some more subtle than others. But these are just a few of the more obvious ones that I've noticed.

1.  They ignore you when they are with their friends. If you are dating someone, I think its normal to expect at least some aknowledgement of your presence. I also think it's normal to expect them to talk to you when they are with their friends. If a guy is too absorbed in his guy friends to talk to the girl he is supposedly dating then that could be a red flag.

2. They don't tell their friends that you're dating. Unless there's a reason that you've talked about as to why he won't tell his friends about you, he's hiding something. Or is embarrassed.   I don't think it matters. He's not worth the time.

3. He doesn't stick up for you if his friends say something mean or bad directly to you, and it's clear its upsetting to you. Guys who won't stand up to their friends for you, are putting their relationship with their friends before your relationship. Now sometimes its ok. because its understadable that guys are just jerks sometimes, but if they dont say anything at all to them about it, it could be a red flag.

4. They don't vocalize certain things. I've dated guys who would only tell me they liked me through text, or would only say cute things to me through a text. Now it could be because they are shy, but thats not what I've discovered. I also dated a guy for quite a long time, that i really liked, who did not tell me he liked me in person or in message form at all...  He told his friends he liked me, but not once did he say it to me. Things obviously ended. I'm not sure what exactly it is...  its not good though.

5. The guy is just mean! obviously.. I'd hope this doesnt need explaining.

So there ya go,  there are lots more which will be posted  in the future.

Now that I've listed bad things, remember that there are good things too,  like any guy that will pause his game of call of duty, or halo to respond to a text message!  thats a good sign...   things are different for everyone, so go out and find what those good signs are!!!  its an adventure! not always the best. but an adventure all the same.

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