Friday, December 31, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Yes, I know that new years (why do we put the "s" on this?  i dont understand..  is that even right?) resolutions are completely cliche and are maybe kept by 45% of the people that make them (yes I made that number up), but ya kinda have to make some sort of resolution to improve yourself some way.   My resolutions for 2010 were:
1. write in my journal at least once a week. i need to better document whats going on im my life.

2. limit myself to one cheeseburger or less, a week... i have to kick this craving.. no i think its an addiction.

3. do my homework the day it is assigned, with exception on mondays, because of work... basically get my homework done soon so im not pulling an all nighter trying to finish it.

4. ok heres the one thats gonna kill me. eat healthy. three square meals a day. no more skipping breakfast. this means im going to have to wake up earlier... oh joy.
well...   heres the update on how well i did  1- I started out writing everyday, but my life was only interesting when i had freinds or a boyfriend and did things worth writing in my journal. I had a hard time making friends in high school but i actually finished my senior year with some of the best friends a girl could ask for. and did have a whole lot more to write as the year when on... but I still missed weeks sometimes....
2- I totally kicked this addiction!!!!!  for so long i had a terrible addiction to cheeseburgers and I succeeded in not eating them as often!  It was a wonderful feeling!  i felt so much healthier! after i stopped.
3-....  eh  im a totaly procrastinator....  this one was a total fail!!!
4- i tried really hard to get up early to eat breakfast, but everytime I got sick...  bad!!   ugh  ill have to try to get used to breakfast again because skipping meals is just not healthy.

So over all I basically failed... 25% success...  (real number). Im going to try again with the resolutions and just see how they go.

Well because I failed those other ones, I'm going to try them again..
1. Write in my journal at least once a week. it is very important to me to keep track of my life, so i can learn from past experienes
2. Eat three meals a day....  I have a tendancy to skip meals a lot, and its not healthy, I want to be as healthy as I can be
3. Do my homework in a timely manner... NO MORE PROCRASTINATION!!  I see this being a lot more difficult because I'm transfering schools this semester and will be moving out of my parents house....   but I'm going to do my best. i want to do well in school
4. Become more active...  yeah im pretty sure everyone and theyre dog makes this a resolution.. to excersise more, lose weight.. blah blah blah,  but its actually a god resolution,  health is important.
5. Not miss any of my classes...  calculus 2, 7:30 monday tuesday wednesday friday...  this is going to kill me   but i have to go or ill fail....  
6. Pass all of my classes this semester. Get help in my classes before its too late...  again...  I really want to do well in school.

OK folks!  there they are!!!  Im going to do my best!  I sure hope I can do it!

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