Friday, February 4, 2011

Alright so this blog has kind of turned into a journal of sorts. A very public journal, about my life, and things that bug me or things I find interesting.

Lets start with things that bug me:

   1. Cough drops that work in reverse- I have a kind of terrible cold right now, and bought some cough drops to help suppress my cough, obviously, that's what they are for...  But apparently they also make cough drops that induce fits of coughing because every time I put one in my mouth, that's what happens. Its completely ridiculous.
  2. Math teachers that assign endless amounts of homework- I am in calculus II, my professor assigns a ton of problems and they're ridiculously hard, I spent literally everyday from the time I wake up at 6:30 to at least 11 at night doing math, with exception of the times that I'm in class. 

  3. People who keep me up really late, when I have a test the nest morning.- self explanatory

4. Liking guys, that don't like me back- It's annoying,  just like me back and make it easier for everyone. 

5. Colds- UGH  this one sucks!
6. Going outside and feeling like you've just been slapped in the face- It's cold, I don't like it... Temperatures below zero should be saved for Antarctica.

Ok so I started this post a couple of days ago, because a friend asked me to post, and I had things to say then, but I've completely forgot everything else I wanted to say.  so enjoy