Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Reason for the Season

Well, here we are, just days from Christmas, right smack dab in the holiday season. I don't know about any of you, but it has come up so quick, and it really doesn't feel like Christmas yet. This is the first Chrismas in 11 years that I probably won't wake up to a white Christmas, and I'm a little depressed about it. But Christmas isn't about presents, or trees, or all the snow that we should expect. The meaning of Christmas lies within it's name, and it seems that through all the stress of all the buying and decorating and cooking we lose sight of what Christmas is all about-Christ. Jesus the Christ is the reason for the season. Christmas is a time to celebrate his birth and reflect on the gifts he has given us throughout the years. Charity is the pure love of Christ, I invite all of those who read this message, to remember that as you go throught your days this holiday season. Many of us are very fortunate to have what we have been given, but others do not have those same luxuries. Sometimes the greatest gift to someone is kindness. I urge all of you to show an extra kind spirit to those around you, offer a helping hand when you can, even just a smile to someone having a not-so-great day can boost their spirit. It is at this time that we should remember Christ and his charitable spirit, and try to be like him.

Luke 2:1-14

I hope you all have a wonderful holiday!

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