Sunday, June 12, 2011


Its funny sometimes when you're talking to someone, and they mention that before they really got to know you they had a completely different opinion of you, or that they heard random things about you that weren't true....  sometimes that's funny right?...Sometimes it's not.
It's really important to get to know someone on their own, without listening to the judgmental people in the world who will tell you false things about them.
Story:  a couple days ago I was talking with a guy I quite like, who actually likes me too.  While talking he told me that he heard from someone that he needed to stay away from me, and to be careful around me, because I'm not a good person.  He refuses to tell me who told him this, and it frustrates me. After telling me this, he said he just needed to make sure I was a good person because he doesn't want me to bring him down. I totally understand that that would be a concern of his, after hearing from someone that he needs to stay away from me.  I figure the person that told him this has a personal vendetta against me because I honestly have no idea what they were talking about. It's very frustrating to find out that people see you a certain way, that is completely opposite of how you are. And it bothers me that someone would be so judgmental. I've now also been freaking out about who said it because i want to punch them in the face....   he wont tell me who told him that.

It is very important to formulate your own opinions about people and should not rely on other peoples information to determine what kind of person someone is. That is judgment based of nothing, and its completely absurd.
This goes for all things.  Its important to try things out for a while before developing an opinion on them.  I had just moved singles wards and was very upset, because I loved my old ward and Hated this new one.  Today in church, something changed.  I really like my ward now. Im not sure what made me change my mind exactly  but im much happier about the change. Some things take time to like, and somethings you just need to try out. And then with people. you just gotta get to know them. dont let other peoples views of someone affect how you view someone.

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