Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Do you ever feel like your life is going nowhere? That the career path you chose was a complete waste of time, and that whenever you try to talk to someone about it all they say is "I told you so."? Well recently thats how I've been feeling about life. In my final months as a senior in high school I decided I wanted to be a math teacher. I knew that the classes I would take would be difficult, but I didn't think i would have to worry too much, because I was an excellent student in high school.  I took the AP route, with all college classes except for one or two my senior year and basically threw my social life out the window so I would be able to go to a good school and get a head start on the courses I would need to graduate. I went off to college, lived at home and still worked at the the little restaurant down the street.... the one i had worked at since I was 15 years old. I did my thing-- got up really early to catch the train to school, transfer to another train, and then hop on a little shuttle to get me to my first class, went to classes, studied furiously in between classes and then did the little commute thing in reverse, got home changed  and went to work, and on days when i wasnt at work, i was doing homework at the engineering building till 11 which gave meust enough time to catch the last train home.   I hated the way my life ran for that first semester, and it was even worse because despite all the studying and homework I did, i still ended up failing one of my classes.  That was the first time i had ever received a grade lower than a B in my life....  It was terrible. I moved on and decided to do better next time, i also transferred schools, so I'd have the opportunity to move out, and have a social life. I now am studying math at a different university, and after taking my second math test for Calc II, I had a major panic that what I was doing was a complete waste of time, because that test was ridiculously hard, and I still have years and years of math ahead of me.  I felt so lost, for about a week, and after some wise words from an old teacher I realized that I know what I want to do with my life, I want to be a math teacher. I won't ever be teaching the stuff im learning right now so i should stop worrying.  It doesn't matter the grades you get as long as you pass.  All i have to do is pass the classes and ill be fine.  CRISIS AVERTED !!! I feel so much better now!
There are always going to be times in your life when you feel like you are going the wrong direction, or you made the wrong decision,  but if what you decide will make you happy in the long run, and its what you want. Then don't let the journey stop you from getting there.  Miley Cyrus once said "its not about how fast I get there, its not about what's waiting on the other side. It's the Climb" and yeah  shes kinda right, the journey to your goals is what forms you into the person you are. But sometimes its just about achieving your goal. In any way shape or form. Its about getting to the top, and being able to say "I DID IT!!!"

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