Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quick Venting Moment

So I understand this is probably a little weird, but I need to express my anger to someone for a moment because every person that I know personally that I talk to, just pisses me off right now, to the point of wanting to slap every single person i see, in the face. Even my best friend in the world is bugging me today, and she and my other best friend are the only two people in the world i never get sick of.  I'm not exactly sure why I'm feeling like this, but its not cool. I think I'm partly jealous of my roommates who went on a cruise to Mexico for spring break, and I sat at home and watched movies with my parents for most of the week.
Yes.. so my roommates took this 7 day 6 night cruise to Mexico, and the guy I'm just totally gaga over went with them. And he probably hooked up with some random chick from Minnesota or something, and the thought of that just makes me want to strangle this theoretical girl that probably doesn't exist. They had an amazing time, i already know from the facebook posts. But I haven't talked to them,  I don't think I want to.  At least not for the next month or so, because I know that its all they are going to talk about and I just don't want to hear it.
It's like that one girl who you are kinda friends with who doesn't shut up about how awesome her boyfriend is, and tells you all about it right after you get out of a nasty break-up and every time she says something about it, you just want to pull her hair out and go cry for a while.  I don't know how I'm gonna handle listening to them talk about it. Looks like I've got some great days holed away in the library, and the math lab.... wooo...  UGH!  I'm just depressed now, and still can't stop thinking about this guy. He's just great,  I miss him. And that's another thing I hate!  I hate when I miss someone who doesn't miss me back. Uber depressed....   He ended things with me because he's not over his ex fiancee, who is getting married this summer..... I wish he'd stop pining and move on.  That's super insensitive of me I know, but today is selfish day. I bought a dress today, and a couple bras.  Thats my life, its what i do to try to cheer myself up, but even shopping was a drag.  I wanna work out.  im doing that on monday. It's decided.  Ok  now that I've shared my depressed moment with you, im going to go to bed, seeing as its 4;30 in the AM.

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