Thursday, May 19, 2011


Oh my goodness!  I love food... So much. I think if I ever die prematurely from anything, it will have something to do with me eating something. Like I'll eat something and die from food poisoning, or one day my metabolism wont be able to keep up with me, and I'll die from obesity or heart attack or something. Anyway  yesterday I cleaned the sink at Angies. They even gave me the bumper sticker to prove it.

 Angie's is a little restaurant in Logan and they have this thing called a Kitchen Sink, which basically is the biggest banana split you could ever imagine, in a realistic level, put in this little sink contraption..  see?

  its huge, and usually takes 6-10 people to eat it on empty stomachs.   Haha there were only four of us, and we ate our lunch first.   yeah  we downed that whole thing.  It was fantastic.
I felt so gross, and I feel like all the weight I lost since school got out was regained that day
I occasionally go on a date where the topic of eating on the date comes up. Is it bad for a girl to eat everything put in front of her?  or does that make her look like a pig.  But if she doesn't eat what she ordered, will the guy be mad, because he paid for it?  It's something i consider everytime, but I really love food, im basically a bottomless pit, so its not a big deal for me to eat the whole thing, but sometimes I feel like the guy things I'm a pig if I do. Opinions?  Please share!

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