Sunday, May 29, 2011

A lesson on manners

OK so I recently put together a very special present for a missionary who will be leaving soon. Let me first tell you a little about this present. First off, i went out and bought him a very nice journal, he is an avid journal writer, and I knew he would want one for is mission. So i got im this really nice journal, and then had his name engraved on it with the gold lettering.  It was awesome. I then decided that I wanted him to have reminders that he has friends and family who love him and support him, and believe the word he will be preaching for two years.  So i drove all around the norther half of Utah trying to get a hold of his friends and family to write him a special note in this journal. Then at his farewell I got a bunch of group pictures of his friends and put those in the journal too. I wrapped the journal in a really nice tie, and included his favorite gummy bears. The finished product looked like this....

way awesome right???  I know. I went over to his house to give it to him and he wasn't there, so I gave it to his brother and asked him to give it to him when he got home. Ten minutes later he texts me. Here's the first lesson on manners..... His text says that his brother said I came by.  I responded that I just wanted to drop something off for him that his brother had.. And I get no reply...  I haven't talked to him since...

Lesson 1. When someone does something nice for you, say thank you. That's all it takes.  No I did not get a thank you for that present. Am i bitter about it?  Heck yes..   WHAT A BUTT CRACK! YOU DONT HAVE TO SAY YOU LIKE IT, BUT A "THANK YOU" WOULD BE NICE!

New story now.. About 2 years ago i was involved in a n incredibly abusive relationship. A guy i worked with kind of knew about it, so everytime he saw me he told me i was stupid and an idiot for still dating him. Apparently he thought that that would make me break up with him, but it made things worse, because it made me depend on him more for support. The guy i worked with (we will call him josh, for non-confusions sake) still continued to tell me i was stupid and a loser. One day after talking to a good friend about my future I decided I needed to break up with my boyfriend. So i did, and then spent a very long time talking with an older woman from my ward (not old, shes maybe 40 and darling). She helped me so much to getting back on the right path, and helped me through some very difficult times. After this happened Josh decided that it was because of him that I ended that relationship. And took it upon himself to tell everyone what happened and how he, and i quote "saved my life."  I CANNOT STAND HIM!!  and he still does not let it go. To this day he will tell my friends about my past experience and how he saved my life. hes also a total butt crack.
Lesson 2. Mind your own business, and don't get haughty. I promise you're not as great as you think you are.. JK most of you who read this are awesome.
those are my main two stories that go with my lessons  but i have a few more things i want to tack on the end of this.
Lesson 3. Don't chew with your mouth open, IT looks gross and sounds worse. My roommateddid that with cheetos, I almost threw a book at her head.. .no joke.

Lesson 4. Learn to breath with your nose. Again my roommate metioned above couldn't do that, so she would stand around with her mouth half open most of the time, and looked really stupid... she also failed all of her classes this semester and last semester.

Lesson  5. If you cant say something nice, don't say anything at all. Marjorie Hinckley once said "Be kind, everyone is fighting a battle of their own."(or something like that) Don't use the excuse "I'm having a crappy day" or "I'm on my period" to rationalize your bad or rude attitude to others, You aren't the only one having a bad day, and acting crappy just makes it worse for everyone, including you.

Lesson 6. Don't Judge. Mother Theresa once said, "When you judge someone, you have no time to love them" Jesus commanded us to "love one another." According to Mother Theresa, you cannot love someone if you judge them. Which would be breaking a very important commandment from the Lord.

thats all i got right now.  more to come...  maybe

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